
Choosing the Method

Meetings all involve people talking in a room, however no two meetings are exactly the same.

The many different types of meetings do require different structure, styles, methods and processes to make the best use of the time available to achieve your best outcomes. To choose the right method for your people at this time . . . is one reason why you need a professional facilitator such as Yvonne Collier.

Annual general meetings, brainstorming meetings, budget meetings, committee meetings, creative meetings, deadline meetings, decision making, idea generation, presentations, product design, project meetings, staff meetings, strategic planning, task force meetings, team building . . .  the list goes on and on  . . .  all require different methods and how many are run ineffectively and so waste valuable time and resources?

As a master facilitator and trainer, Yvonne Collier will show you how to do choose the right structure and processes to suit the group, desired outcome and the time frame.

So what would better meetings do for you?

"How to review, analyse and prioritize 2 years worth of extensive sustainability projects and select the best as examples to position the LCA strategic project as an exemplar on the National and International stage?

Facilitator Yvonne Collier guided us through 6 interactive and productive processes in 85 minutes. The photos capturing 3 of these. Mapping promotional collatoral into 4 spaces: Economic, Social/cultural, Environmental and Operational Sustainability. Active discussion. Prioritize selection for best practice presentation. Outcome achieved."

14 benefits of running better meetings.            

  • Greater productivity
  • Better teamwork
  • Happier teams
  • Better listening to each other
  • Better use of resources
  • Better use of people’s time
  • Less stress
  • More creativity
  • More profit
  • Better bottom line
  • More ownership of decisions
  • Greater consensus
  • Greater collaboration
  • Healthy creative conflict

Yvonne Collier will teach you the skills to run successful meetings and you will achieve the 14 benefits above.

Jaspers December 2012 Where are we going?

Great pre-meeting questions

  • What is your outcome?
  • What's the time frame?
  • What behaviours work best?
  • The answers will influence the choice of best method 

 Styles of meetings:

  • Traditional
  • Hybrids
  • OST
  • World Café
  • Brainstorming
  • Conference
  • Seminar
  • Workshop
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Chat

Yvonne has a bucketful of Facilitation Process Tools including:

  • Open Space Technology
  • World Cafe
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Spatial mapping

Plus all the usual tools of . . .

  • Gap Analysis
  • Visioning
  • Questioning
  • Forcefield Analysis
  • The many forms of Brainstorming
  • Affinity Diagrams
  • Systematic Problem Solving
  • Priority Setting

Yvonne brings extensive experience and expertise, in the moment value and a wonderful capacity to hold the energy of the group.

In summary, Yvonne will choose the very best methods, techniques and process tools for your people, and your specific needs, during the design, preparation, and in the moment to bring the best results.